Saturday 23 February 2013

Normative Model

Leadership Model -
Vroom and Yetton’s (1973) Normative Model
This model is defined by logic in which  it relates to the term “normative”, its focus is on how much the followers contribute to the decisions of the leader.  They talk about “decision quality” (the best alternative) being a key to “decision acceptance.
This being needed to increase the followers' commitment. For this model to be effective it requires the followers to be informed clearly of the reasons for decisions and therefore accept and commit to them.
Vroom and Yetton defined five different decision procedures.
A1 and A2- Autocratic
C1 and C2- Consultative
G2 – Group based.

A1: Leader makes decisions alone.
A2: Leader listens to followers, but still decides alone.
C1: Leader shares problem and listens to followers individually, but still decides alone.
C2: Leader shares problems and listens to followers as a group, but then decides alone.
G2: Leader shares problems and listens to followers as a group, seeks consensus agreement and accepts this.

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