Hackman's Team Effectiveness Model (1990) includes three key themes for an effective team, which are Real Team, Compelling Direction and Right People.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you're a leader. John Quincy Adams 6th US President (1825-1829)
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Servant Leader

Servant Leadership (defined by Robert K Greenleaf in 1970) is based on the wish to serve, to provide support, guidance and motivation.
Saturday, 23 February 2013

The model describes five stages (forming, storming, norming, performing and adjouring) of group development.
Lewin's Leadership Style
Styles of Power
French and Raven
(1959) identified five styles of power which a leader may possess to
have influence over their followers. These are reward, coercive,
legitimate, referent and expert power.
The future of Leadership and Management
The future of Leadership and Management
Deborah Ancona (2009) has a
modern outlook regarding the theory of successful management. She considers the
expansion of the world’s communication methods mean that leaders are now
working in multi-cultural environments across borders which are introducing
different views.
Additive Transformational Leadership
Additive Transformational Leadership
Northouse (2001)
Northouse outlined the qualities of a transformational leader as ‘empowering’, a strong role model with high values, a listener and one who helps the organisation by helping others contribute to it. The 'additive” effect of transformational leadership is pulling together, the team and ideas, to reach performance beyond expectations.
7S McKinsey Model
Management Model – McKinsey Model
(Peters and
Waterman. 1982)
7S model of shared
Mckinsey's model says organisations perform well when
seven elements are aligned and mutually reinforced with the shared values of
leaders and followers
Normative Model
Leadership Model -
Vroom and Yetton’s
(1973) Normative Model
This model is defined by logic in which it relates to the term “normative”, its focus
is on how much the followers contribute to the decisions of the leader. They talk about “decision quality” (the best
alternative) being a key to “decision acceptance.
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Theory -
Golemans (2004)
Attributes of Leaders
Goleman (2004) –
talks about emotional intelligence - a key to being a successful leader. When speaking of emotional intelligence he
indicates that this requires a leader to have self-awareness, self-regulation
and motivation.
Path-Goal theory

House developed a theory called Path-Goal theory which states there are four leadership styles;
Maslow's Motiviational Theory
Maslow’s (1943) Motivational Theory
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is an example of a theory that can be related to motivation for management and also for individuals and teams.
Action Centred Leadership
John Adair has developed a three point theory on successful leadership, known as the Action Centred Leadership theory. The three points being Task, Team and Individual:
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